Now for Something Completely Different-


If you’re in a short-attention-span kinda mood, here’s a video that really nails the situation with our telecoms and the coming COMCAST / Time Warner merger- (contains explicit and entirely suitable language.)

And just in case you aren’t already supersaturated with bad news about telecoms and net neutrality, here are a few additional articles and resources:

Brendan Fischer.  “How ALEC Helps Big Telecom Change State Laws for Corporate Gain” Center for Media and Democracy. February 13, 2014

Michael J. Copps. “From the desk of a former FCC Commissioner”  Journalists need to generate a national discussion on the future of the internet.  Columbia Journalism Review.February 13, 2014

John Light.  “What’s the Right Path Forward on Net Neutrality?” Moyers & Company. February 4, 2014